Autumn Short Mat Festival - Torquay
Price & Buckland
St Keverne Parish Hall
Hot Shots - see below
A Hot Shot is a reward for players achieving a maximum score on one end of a competitive pairs, triples or fours match. An eight in pairs or fours or a nine in triples qualifies as a Hot Shot.
The Hot Shots Club enables the team to claim certificates and purchase other merchandise. To claim your Hot Shot go to Bowls International Hot Shots Club for further information and a link to the claim form. The Recent Claimants' list on this link lists recent CBC and CDIBC achievements/bowlers.
To claim certificates, a copy of the original scorecard signed by both teams, the names of the bowlers in the Hot Shot team, a form signed by the club secretary and a cheque/postal order for postage and packaging are required. The certificates are free. Hot shot badges and bowls stickers can also be purchased.